
Tuesday Jan 03, 2017
How to harness a healthy lifestyle
Tuesday Jan 03, 2017
Tuesday Jan 03, 2017
Holistic health practitioner, apothecary, herb nerd and astrologer, this months podcast will certainly not disappoint! Angel Quitana, Editor in Chief of Holistic Fashionista, a premier magazine that educates on all things natural and good, is the brain child of Angel who among many other things isa really cool chick. Whether you’re wanting to dip your toe or dive in head first, this gal will teach you how to play with essential oils, eat organically, give back and help you build a kick ass empire of your own without breaking a sweat.
Combine her knowledge of business acumen and you have her incredible educational program the Higher Paling School of Business, which is a twelve month program that teaches other entrepreneurs how to master their holistic brands, build clientele, develop products, overcome fear and aligning a business with greater purpose. Click here to keep reading...

Wednesday Dec 07, 2016
How to become sustainable even if you think you're too busy
Wednesday Dec 07, 2016
Wednesday Dec 07, 2016
Living a sustainable life can seem complicated, right? The word sustainable in and of itself conjures up thoughts of complexity and only for those tree hugging hippies. But here’s the rub, being sustainable or green isn’t an all or nothing game. You can still have your daily conveniences without feeling like you’re sacrificing quality of life. However in the overall big picture it’s time to start doing something.
When I first started easing into sustainable practices I remember being completely overwhelmed. How the hell do you do it? And if you bring canvas shopping bags to the grocery store, but buy paper towels, are you a hypocrite? I sure thought so! I was overwhelmed and totally confused by what it really meant to be an environmentalist. And I certainly wasn’t hugging enough trees or eating enough granola to play in the big leagues of a so called sustainable life.

Tuesday Nov 08, 2016
33 piece capsule wardrobe with Courtney Carver
Tuesday Nov 08, 2016
Tuesday Nov 08, 2016
Today's guest is like no other. She is an expert in living a more minimalist life, including a capsule wardrobe. Courtney is an expert in creating simplicity in her life. She has been featured on the Today website, Oprah and more. Today's podcast discusses what a capsule wardrobe is, how to build your own, how it works with various professions and more!

Thursday Oct 13, 2016
How To Style Bookshelves with Carla Aston
Thursday Oct 13, 2016
Thursday Oct 13, 2016
Today Carla Aston and I sit down with you and talk all things bookshelves. We'll share with you our top five tips to get them just right, so yours can look like the pros!

Monday Aug 22, 2016
Photographer and Interior Designer Linda Holt
Monday Aug 22, 2016
Monday Aug 22, 2016
Earlier this year I decided to go to the bloggers conference in Atlanta. For the past couple of years I haven’t gone to many seminars mainly because nothing was really piquing my interest, and they can be expensive. However, I quickly realized after I attended how important it was to show up. They offer incredible value not only in the conference itself, but the networking with others in your industry – it’s invaluable! Click here to read more

Monday Aug 08, 2016
Designer Extraordinaire Rachel Shingleton
Monday Aug 08, 2016
Monday Aug 08, 2016
Designer Extraordinaire Rachel Shingleton, just might be one of my favorite people on the planet. She’s laid back, creative, funny and has a kick ass outlook on life – but don’t ask her about fried shrimp – which is helping her gain grace as she navigates motherhood.
Rachel and I met during the bloggers tour in Highpoint this past April, put on by Esteem Media. I was surprised that I had never heard of her, especially since she was a part of the original blogging mania that started taking off in 2008; which is whenI started this blog. Rachel and I immediately hit it off. Her light breezy personality jived seamlessly with my ridiculous nature. Our view on life is defiantly through rose colored glasses – that just might be shaped like yellow palm trees.
Rachel’s company Pencil Shavings Studio is well versed in all things creative. Whether you’re looking for inspiration in design, graphics, or fashion, this visionary mom has you covered. What most people probably don’t know is that this inspirational creative had an identity crisis when motherhood came calling. Who was she? Would her career be over? Would she be able to grasp that mythical creature better known as ‘having it all?’ Nope, not even close, and that is perfectly OK. Click here to read more

Monday Jul 25, 2016
Designed with Interior Designer Carla Aston
Monday Jul 25, 2016
Monday Jul 25, 2016
It's funny, through the powers of social media I have made so many incredible friends over the years. One such friend is Interior Designer, Carla Aston. Her designs are high-style neo-traditional, mixed with an incredible eye for texture. And one thing I'm most envious of is her ability to mix neutrals. She nails it every time! Maybe it's my love of color, or my fear of white, but no one does it better than Carla.
Designed with Interior Designer Carla Aston
Having been in the design world for many years, one thing that sets her apart is her ability to really understand what the client needs. She can surpass the mistakes that homeowners often make on their own, and take them to a place of true design serendipity that they could never achieve on their own. In addition to being an amazing designer stateside, Carla also lived in Australia and Norway, which in my opinion, influenced her clean aesthetic. I think it's also safe to say she has a great eye for accessories which I know many of you struggle with! I get emails all the time regarding those finishing touches because most people know how to do the big stuff well, but when it comes to what we call the "smalls" many of my clients panic because they get scared to do it wrong. Click here to continue reading

Thursday Apr 07, 2016
Laura Carillo Narrative Spaces with Feng Shui
Thursday Apr 07, 2016
Thursday Apr 07, 2016
When it comes to Feng Shui a lot of people make interpretations on what they think it is. Most will agree that Feng Shui is a way to work with energy to create a certain type of harmonious living space. One of peace and tranquility. And while on one hand it’s very simple, it can also be quite mysterious and complex. Floor plans alone can tell a story all their own. Lurking deep within your walls a story can unfold, and it truly becomes a mirror to your subconscious, that some may deem unbelievable. {click here to continue reading}

Tuesday Feb 23, 2016
The key to understanding social media marketing
Tuesday Feb 23, 2016
Tuesday Feb 23, 2016
Todays guest is Sheena White. In short, Sheena is a social media strategist and copywriter. But honestly she is more than just that. She is a heart-centered entrepreneur who specifically helps women in their small businesses’ so that they can maximize the power of social media and increase their success rate in the online marketing world.
Holy cow as an entrepreneur myself, there just never seems to be enough time in the day. No joke, I spend at least 2-3 hours a day just contributing to the FREE content on my blog and website. Whether it’s blog articles, my newsletters, free ebooks, free classes or my podcast, I’m churning out a lot of content – and I’ve been doing it for over seven years! It can be overwhelming especially if you don’t know where to focus your efforst.
Online marketing can be a tricky game. 1) you have to understand the marketing animal 2) you have to navigate an industry that is ever-changing 3) the rules of the game are changing daily.
So what did I do? I quit my newsletter. If people wanted ground breaking FREE info they could just visit my blog. Why on earth did I want to create yet another earth shattering form of media, that would honestly get a low conversion rate and probably never even get read? At least on my blog the content lives for ever and I’m in control of when it hits the trash, right? {click here to read more}

Tuesday Jan 26, 2016
How To Get Better At Everything You Do
Tuesday Jan 26, 2016
Tuesday Jan 26, 2016
I've said it many times on this blog, small changes can make a big impact in your life. And Terry Lancaster's new book, Better!: Self Help For The Rest of Us, shows us just that. At 48 years old, he was overweight, a heavy drinker and failing at his career. Then he had an epiphany while at a bar, "When the drunk guy at the bar hitting on the meth addict becomes the voice of reason in your life, maybe it's time to reexamine your lifestyle."
To add insult to injury, Terry was a bartender during the the Garth Brooks comeback tour. It was then he realized that at nearly 50 years old, he needed to get his shit together. But those self-help books on the shelf, you know the ones, with a beautiful human, a fancy suit and bright shiny teeth - wasn't like Terry. But he learned from professor B.J Fogg that tiny habits can lead to big change. [ read more...]