
Sunday Dec 14, 2014
Lori Jacobs Naturepath and Herbalist
Sunday Dec 14, 2014
Sunday Dec 14, 2014
We all love a New Year. It allows us to swipe the slate clean and start over. A fresh start, with no regrest and a whole new perspective. I love the New Year. It’s when I feel the most organized, and focused. I take the month of December to reflect on my year, reviewing accomplishments, goals and the sheer misses that ultimately taught me so much.
According to statistic brain, 45% of American's make resolutions. Unfortunately, only 8% of us follow through and achieve success. Not so surprisingly, the number one and number five resolutions made every year are related to health. Lose weight, get fit. But I have found that simply trying to lose weight or even getting fit is putting a bandaid on the overall issue. It’s like treating the symptom without looking at the heart of the problem, or true cause.
While I don’t believe that western medicine is a curse, I also don’t believe it has all the answers. Our bodies are like well oiled machines – if they are properly taken care of they just simply work. Just like a tune up is recommended for your car every three thousand miles, it is recommended that we honor our systems and give it the necessary nutrients it needs to thrive.
Synthetics to me are like taking poison and expecting your enemy to get sick. While your illness may seem like the enemy, more often than not, your just hurting yourself. There are huge benefits to going all natural, and if it seems too overwhelming, and you are not sure where to start, take it all in stride. As we approach the new year, a time of resolutions, it's all about setting goals that will make a lasting impact in your life, so set goals that will make you feel good, feel empowered, and feel accomplishment. Trust me, your body will thank you!
Join me as I sit down with Lori Jacobs, an herbalist and naturopath to discuss:
7 Super Easy, All natural Tricks Your Body Needs You To Do Now!
- Herbs, tinctures and healing in an all natural way.
- Benefits of going all Natural
- How herbs normalize and work with the body rather than against it.
- Why synthetics don't work
- How to cure many everyday ailments like arthritis, migraines, cholesterol, depression, asthma and more, with herbs!

Monday Dec 01, 2014
Chris Saaco - Groundswell International
Monday Dec 01, 2014
Monday Dec 01, 2014
Groundswell International is a partnership of local civil society organizations, NGOs and people grounded in diverse contexts and experiences, to share a common approach to supporting social change.
Groundswell’s founders and partners have worked for decades to enable thousands of rural communities and organizations in many countries to sustainably improve their lives through better farming practices. Our global agricultural and food system is broken and needs to transition to one that is more sustainable and beneficial to the world’s population. This must happen in the face of the linked challenges of climate change, natural resource depletion, and worldwide economic and social upheaval. Join me and Chris Saaco, one of Groundswell's founders, as we discuss:
- social change, and how groundswell plays a part in creating it's structure
- improving third world villages
- Seed saving
- GMO's and the threat they harbor worldwide
- New U.S. program launching in 2015
- Reconnecting with our food system
- Top three tips on how you can create change too.

Wednesday Nov 12, 2014
Chris Alexandria - Transformational Soul Coach
Wednesday Nov 12, 2014
Wednesday Nov 12, 2014
Todays guest is Transformational Soul coach, Chris Alexandria. Chris has been intuitive all her life. But with a hectic life her gifts became suppressed in order to, raise kids, run a household and be a wife. Something each and every one of us, can relate to.

Saturday Oct 25, 2014
Sue Painter - Confident Marketer
Saturday Oct 25, 2014
Saturday Oct 25, 2014
Sue painter of Confident Marketer is driven to help women entreprenuers around the globe become better business owners. She offers coaching and mentorship, sharing her valuable background in business, to help others become successful and profitable.
Sue is a serial entrepreneur. She has owned and operated two thriving business' and she has experience running large organizations to small holistic practices. She teaches, encourages and challenges her clients to be better business owners to help them thrive.
Today we'll discuss:
- The safest job you'll ever have; the one with yourself
- Developing you as a brand
- How to become more consistent
- How to keep moving forward
- Business rules and how they apply to you
- Developing an international reach, even if you sell pizza

Monday Sep 22, 2014
Donna Frasca - Certified Color Expert
Monday Sep 22, 2014
Monday Sep 22, 2014
Donna Frasca, is an Interior Designer turned Color Expert who specializes in JUST color. What does that mean? That means she is highly specialized in choosing color palettes for large homes, sub specializing in homes that have open floor plans.
She is a color forecaster, color trend setter and an overall expert in the field of color. I know that sounds like a tall order but it’s her 30 years of experience that leads the way.
Join me today as we discuss why color is important, feng shui and how color effects our moods, and why it’s worth the investment to hire a color expert to get it right the first time!
To find out more about Donna, click here!

Sunday Jun 15, 2014
Stephanie Burns - Founder and CEO of Chic CEO
Sunday Jun 15, 2014
Sunday Jun 15, 2014
A mid westerner at heart, Stephanie landed in San Diego after college when a friend convinced her that it was the place to be. Having never been to California this may seem like a bold move, but for Stephanie it was exactly where she needed to be. After gaining two bachelors degrees, one in marketing, she went on to obtain her MBA in business. What she quickly found out was that there were few resources for women who wanted to start a business, and her friends were looking to her to find the answers. She worked for other companies until in 2009 she was laid off, it was now or never. She took the entire year of 2010 to research starting a company for women and in 2011 she launched Chic-CEO.com, a site devoted to helping women launch their dreams, without all the overwhelm.

Wednesday May 07, 2014
Amy Wray - Editor Of Mod City Mag
Wednesday May 07, 2014
Wednesday May 07, 2014
Amy Wray Mod City Magazine. When it comes to being an entrprenuer we all have challenges. Therefore we all need support, mentorship and empowerment in order to move forward. Todays Design 101 guest is Amy Wray, editor and PR expert of Mod City Mag. Amy’s online magazine not only provides women the encouragement and information they need to feel empowered but it also provides an outlet to find the best beauty products, fashion tips and lifestyle must haves.
As the editor of Mod City Mag her goal is to empower, motivate and inspire each and every one of us, her readers. These are just a few of the topics we cover today:
- How to get past writing for free
- How to live your vision of a perfect life and not someone else's.
- What is the difference between PR and marketing?
- Top places to focus your attention in social media
- How to maximize instagram for your business
- How important is social media
- Best PR tips for small business
Whether you own a business or are simply thinking about it, this podcast has a little of everything, for everyone. Tune in and if you have any questions or comments feel free to contact us at info@gatesinteriordesign.com to learn more!

Sunday Apr 06, 2014
12: Maria Killam, True Color Expert
Sunday Apr 06, 2014
Sunday Apr 06, 2014
Maria Killam is an internationally sought after colour expert with a no-nonsense approach to color advise. She is a design blogger, author, trainer, decorator and stylist who is passionate about all things colour and design. Her blog, Colour Me Happy not only showcases her vast knowledge of all things color but also educates the masses on the do's and don'ts of neutrals, and undertones in the finishes that surround us.

Colour Me Happy is one of the top 10 colour blogs in North America with a quarter of a million readers in over 150 countries worldwide. Today I sit down with the talented and innovative true color expert herself to discuss her passion for color, how she got started, and her fierce entrepreneurial spirit that will inspire all of you to be the best damn version of yourself - even if it means making a few mistakes along the way.
Click here to listen in on iTunes.

Wednesday Feb 12, 2014
Style & Inspiration: How to start your next design project in 5 easy steps
Wednesday Feb 12, 2014
Wednesday Feb 12, 2014
Style and inspiration
- how to determine your style
- why a home needs its style defined
- what exactly is style?
- how to develop a plan and direction
- where to find inspiration and still stay focused
- the tools necessary to put your inspirations and style into action

Thursday Jan 09, 2014
New Mexico Astrologer, Tom Brady
Thursday Jan 09, 2014
Thursday Jan 09, 2014
Astrology is not fortune telling or a free tarot reading from the state fair. Although many psychics use astrology in their readings, astrology is more like a heavenly weather report that helps us understand and see trends. It also lets us know when it is summer or when it is winter. Now this is not a glorified Star Wars episode full of imaginary laser beams, Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader battles, with a backdrop of sparkly stars. No, this is learning about astronomy and having an understanding of what to anticipate through the stars and planets through patterns that have been documented for millennia.
Our ancestors used astrology for worship, ceremony, and as a way to honor their heritage. Cultures that were close to nature understood the natural rythms of nature, and used it to better serve their lives and circumstances, unlike todays city dwellers whose main connection is sealed up in office buildings and concrete floors.
Tom Brady has been doing astrology in New Mexico for forty seven years. A transplant to New Mexico form Baltimore, he found himself in a state of chaos in the early seventies and searching for answers. Whether it was kismet or divine intervention, Carl Jungs book jumped out at him and forever changed the course of his his life. He engulfed himself in the study of the stars, learning about astronomy, and by the late eighties it became his full time profession as he shared his knowledge with others, one natal chart at a time.
Find out what 2014 holds for us in astrological patterns. See how the collapse in 2008 is still effecting us today, and learn about the importance of sustainability that must occur before 2017 if lasting change is going to happen for our future.