
Friday Jan 08, 2021
153: How to Find Hope Amidst Chaos with Rebecca Dawson
Friday Jan 08, 2021
Friday Jan 08, 2021
Today's amazing guest, author, and healer Rebecca Dawson is going to share with you the light at the end of the tunnel. She channels the masters, and in her new book The Agreement she shares with us the five pillars of awakening. I’m telling y’all, this book is incredible. I read it at the beginning of November with Amy Wray, who was on the show several weeks ago. I have now reread it five times and each time I learn something new.
In the book, Rebecca shares with us the five pillars in what I perceive to be the great awakening. How things are changing around us and why. It explains how to view and experience your world with a greater spiritual lens. And most importantly, it gives a message of hope, because, despite the turmoil that we see, the Golden Era is upon us.
In today's show, you'll learn about the Masters, Rebecca's new book The Agreement, and discover that the changes occurring around you are all apart of the grand design!
You can find Rebecca's book here: https://bit.ly/3hTHsix

Friday Dec 18, 2020
152: The Art of Gift-Giving
Friday Dec 18, 2020
Friday Dec 18, 2020
The art of gift-giving. In today's show, I take you back to an oldie but a goodie. Originally a chapter from an old book I wrote, this is how I approach gift-giving with a feng shui state of mind, you know, one with intentionality. I share with you what gift-giving is really about, how to step away from consumerism and into purpose when it comes to giving. I offer up tips and tricks and of course, why it all really matters!

Friday Dec 11, 2020
151: 3 Design details that prevent easier real estate transactions
Friday Dec 11, 2020
Friday Dec 11, 2020
In today's episode, I share the three most common design details that I see in real estate, that's screwing up your feng shui. In addition to doing this show, I also made a video on youtube so you can see the details with the actual photos that I took. These details are so common, and they always show up in the transactions, I knew I needed to share it. I'll share the three examples, what they do, and how to use Feng Shui to fix them! Whether youre about to buy, trying to sell or youre about to rent, this is a show you dont want to miss. Hot damn!

Friday Dec 04, 2020
150: How to make Mo'Money with Feng Shui
Friday Dec 04, 2020
Friday Dec 04, 2020
I want to offer up two great tips on how to use Feng Shui to get mo money in your life. These are tips from my new course, How to make Mo money with Feng Shui, it will be out at the end of the year but is available for purchase right now for a pre-launch sale at 50% off. Whoo-hoo!
"If one uses transcendental information to gather wealth and it provides motivation to expand one's mind to use the power of Feng Shui in other areas of their life, it becomes an opening an invitation for people to explore more."
Today I'll share some feng shui tips to attract more money and I will share two incredible offerings on ceremonies for the New Year and how to change your finances with money.

Friday Nov 20, 2020
149: How to manage anxiety and build wealth with Feng Shui
Friday Nov 20, 2020
Friday Nov 20, 2020
Last week I left town unexpectedly for a family emergency. I was inspired to record the show off the cuff, while on the road. My friend Amy joined me on my travels and like many of you suffers from severe anxiety and ADHD.
In today's episode we discuss what anxiety is, how it can manifest and tools to manage it in a holistic way. We also discuss the stigma of anxiety and how many people find themselves in unsupportive circumstances because others don't understand the paralyzing nature anxiety can have on you.
In addition, I share what anxiety can do to your Chi and how it can trip up or alter your manifestation abilities - like attracting more wealth.
You'll learn powerful tools and hopefully walk away feeling better about managing your own anxiety so you can manifest like a boss!

Friday Nov 13, 2020
148: How to Discover Your Terrain of Consciousness
Friday Nov 13, 2020
Friday Nov 13, 2020
Today I'm really excited to share with you a totally new approach to consciousness, called the Ten Terrains of Consciousness. It was developed by Allen David Reed and Tahnee Woolf and together, over many years of research they discovered that people are at different levels - meaning their lens or perspective is filtered differently based on the terrain they are at.
Have you ever wondered why someone doesn't understand where you're coming from? Ever think someone is making absolutely no sense? Maybe you're curious why everyone is so polarized and not coming from a place of oneness.
Today you’re going to learn what the heck a terrain is, how Tahnee and Allen discovered this gift and why this really matters in order to understand our current world!

Thursday Oct 29, 2020
147: Chi and the Full Moon in Taurus
Thursday Oct 29, 2020
Thursday Oct 29, 2020
Today I wanted to do a quick show talking about the full moon on October 31st. This is a powerful moon because it's glued to the planet Uranus, which is known for disruption. Plus, we haven’t seen a full moon on halloween since 1944! More importantly is how this astrological event affects our Chi - not only personally but in our homes.
Due to the pandemic many people are starting to see the importance of their homes and Chi. Not only is your personal Chi critical to feeling strong and healthy but now more than ever your home must provide valuable energy that uplifts you and feeds your spirit. In this show I share 10 ways to cultivate your Chi to lift your vibration and I share why its important to pay attention to the cosmos to make sure we understand why our Chi feels the way it does!

Friday Oct 16, 2020
146: Making 2021 Flexible using Feng Shui
Friday Oct 16, 2020
Friday Oct 16, 2020
Since last fall I've been talking about this year and how it would bring upon us great change. As we move into 2021 it will be no different. Things will continue to rapidly change and shift and the idea of what many considered normal will not be returning. We are shifting into a timeline that is more communal, and less individual, less egoic and more spiritual. While this shift will take time - obviously, because there will be those willing to go and those who will only go kicking and screaming, this change is needed.
Moving forward,Competition is becoming collaboration and "I" is becoming "we." So how do we make goals? How do we work with this energy as opposed to against it?
In today's show I will share a message received from spirit about our current paradigm, what 2021 looks like and to best lean into the change so we can all thrive.

Friday Oct 09, 2020
145: Finding Perfect With Judi Miller
Friday Oct 09, 2020
Friday Oct 09, 2020
My guest, Judi Miller is the author of a new book called Perfect. What I really loved about this book is Judi's honest admission of growing up not being like everyone else and how it shifted her reality into adulthood. I think so many of us do this and carry childhood baggage throughout our lives, that alters everything we touch in life - whether it's our careers, relationships or even the commitments we make, it all stems back to our belief systems. What is so cool is that Judi's belief system was turned on it's head by several very cool and very amazing spiritual events!
In today's show you’re going to learn about reality, understanding what becoming spiritual really is and how every event in our lives is there to help us grow and evolve and why we need to learn to let stuff go!

Friday Oct 02, 2020
144: Feng Shui Ramble Gamble - 5 tips to find the calm amidst chaos
Friday Oct 02, 2020
Friday Oct 02, 2020
I'm receiving emails from people facing divorce, miscarriages, loss, identity crisis, and much more. And let me remind you, that is what this year promised. But how do you handle it exactly? What the hell are you supposed to be doing exactly? Today's show offers up 5 tangible tips that you can incorporate today to find the calm amidst the chaos and start slowing down!
To find my reading list: www.gatesinteriordesign.com/favorite books
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