
Friday Jun 05, 2020
133: Changing your Perception with James Purpura
Friday Jun 05, 2020
Friday Jun 05, 2020
Today I have on James Purpura, creator of Powerful U and author of Perception: Seeing is not believing. I wanted to have James on the show today for a very specific reason. I wanted James on today because we are officially in the month of June. This is the month and day where things dramatically start to shift. Today marks the lunar eclipse in Sagittarius - a sign that represents politics, economics, education, communications and media. The moon affects our mood, home and domestic qualities - it's how we nurture ourself. So today starts the great awakening. Where the veil is being lifted and we start to really recognize the things in our life that aren’t serving us like politics, economics, education, communications and media. And haven’t we already seen this? But we’ve now hit the 2020 point of no return. In two weeks on the soltcie we have the solar eclipse in Cancer - once again shining a light on home and family - which was highlighted at the beginning of the year as well.
Many of you have fallen out of relationships, lost your job, been forced to move and you feel like the cards are stacked against you, but if you simply turn around on top of the mountain - an analogy I've used before on the show - you’ll see there is an entirely different view - a new perception.
Today you're going to learn about James and his story, how he turned things around and how perception is the key to having a growth mindset as opposed to a fixed mindset to achieveing your wildest dreams.

Friday May 29, 2020
132: Making the best of the present moment with Brittney Carmichael
Friday May 29, 2020
Friday May 29, 2020
Today I have back on the show, Shine School® creator, Brittney Carmichael. Y’all, if you get a chance you need to look her up on Facebook and Instagram. I tell her all the time that she has the most amazing Chi! It's animated and strong. If you want to see healthy flowing chi, she’s the poster child!
As usual I did not have a guiding plan for the show. I wanted it to unfold and flow as the universe saw fit and what came out was nothing short of amazing. We discussed overcoming fears, things that trigger us, how to be compassionately indifferent as we elevate to 5D and why this time in history is some of the worst times and some of the best times, and that's why making the best of the present moment is key.
We talk about empowerment, triggers, how to choose joy and how we all deserve to elevate in a non judgmental way.

Friday May 22, 2020
131: Elevating to 5D with Rhianna Mays
Friday May 22, 2020
Friday May 22, 2020
Today I have on Master reiki healer, Rhianna Mays. I call her a dragon flame thrower but she’s a very powerful, intuitive healer that can shift and manipulate energy like a ninja. As you know I'm very intentional about how I place guests and when I put them on the show and Rhianna is no different. I wanted Rhianna on in the month of May to help us heal our Chi. We’ve been through a lot not only because of the pandemic but also the energy of this year is intense to say the least. Rhianna experienced severe trauma and abuse as a child and through that experience she was guided to healing tools as an adult.
Like so many of us, the pandemic is triggering past hurts. Abandonment issues, sadness, worthiness, not deserving things, and the list goes on. Careers are going to go away, relationships will be severed, money may be gained or lost, homes may be lost and lots of new changes are upon on all. Such instability can trigger fear, grief, sadness, anger and many others 'Below the Cross' emotions.
So, today we will talk about ascension, moving timelines, reiki, the cabal and so much more. Are you ready?

Friday May 15, 2020
130: The Venus Star Point® with Astrologer Arielle Guttman
Friday May 15, 2020
Friday May 15, 2020
Today I have on astrologer Arielle Guttman. I wanted to have her on the show this month because I consider her a Venus expert. And since Venus just went retrograde it seems timely to have the expert on the show to give us a little more information about what all that means.
In the early 2000's she received a download from spirit about this incredible planet and developed a system called the Venus Star Point® - it's extremely fascinating and further explains who we are and how we operate. What I find so fascinating about every healer that I have on this show is that the universe has literally provided us all the tools and clues we need to better understand things - we just need to choose to see it! Her website, which I highly recommend you visit is chocked full of incredible articles and information, and is called SophiaVenus.com - which literally translates to the wisdom of Venus!
Today you will learn more about Arielle, what the Venus Star Point® is and why this unique information helps us better translate who we are and why it sets us apart.

Monday May 11, 2020
129: 6 things everyone needs to do to avoid dirty Chi
Monday May 11, 2020
Monday May 11, 2020
Today's show is going to teach you 6 things you need to implement in your home, to avoid dirty energy. So many people fail to pay attention to the details in their home, but energy doesn't lie. Get these 6 things wrong and it will deflect the opportunities you attract, trigger your nervous system and it could cause you an inability to speak up. It's one of the reason I end every show with "trust the vibe." Everything is energy and energy is everything and given the astrology that we are about to embark on, now more than ever we need to boost our homes with powerful Feng Shui techniques to help us manage this retrograde season like a boss!

Friday May 08, 2020
128: Keto Green 16 with Dr Anna Cabeca
Friday May 08, 2020
Friday May 08, 2020
Today I have back on the show Dr. Anna Cabeca sharing her latest book, Keto Green 16. If you're struggling to lose weight, experiencing brain fog, low energy or not feeling right, going Keto green may just be the answer! What I love about her approach is that it's well research and proven to work, and it's also a powerful way to take your health back so you feel great.
Today we will talk about what she has been up to, what inspired her to write the book and what you can expect to learn and gain from going keto green.

Friday May 01, 2020
127: Expanding Your Human Potential with Dr Susan Shumsky
Friday May 01, 2020
Friday May 01, 2020
In my opinion, Dr Shumsky is a trailblazer in healing the human condition for the western world. She has written 17 books and I've secretly been stalking her for years. Now the original plan was to focus on her book, Chakras and Chakra healing. I thought it would be the perfect tool to help everyone transcend this great awakening with grace. However, being that she is an expert in prayer, meditation, affirmation, intuition and expanding the human potential to the nth degree, I allowed this conversation to flow exactly where it needed to, to give y’all the exact information that you need to hear right now. And just a little hint, it's about going within.
I also share a fantastic story I recently experienced with some nature spirits, that solidifies the importance of doing the work - which Dr. Susan and I speak about today. We'll talk about her incredible background with Mahrishi Mahesh, her 17 books and why doing the inner work like meditation is so important; especially in unprecedented times.

Friday Apr 24, 2020
126: Give a Sh*t, and Save the Planet with Ashlee Piper
Friday Apr 24, 2020
Friday Apr 24, 2020
About three months ago one of my friends had asked me if I had heard of this book, Give a shit. Then not even a week later someone mentioned it to me again and said I needed to connect with Ashelee because I would find she is my spirit animal. Holy bananas they were right. Her book, Give a Sh*t, Do Good. Live Better. Save the Planet, is by far one of the easiest books to embrace and start getting sh*t done.
In today's show you’ll learn easy things to add in your every day life to be a kick ass eco celebrity, you’ll learn why being an eco-sucking parasite can no longer exist in our modern world and how everyone can join the revolution even if you drive a Porsche and consume palm oil - side note I may show up on your doorstep if I find out your consuming palm oil - just putting that out there. Remember, your dollar equals a vote. So let's get Eco! Are you ready? Hell yea! Let's do this!

Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
125: My top 3 nature spirits to boost your Chi
Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
Today is my happiest, most favorite day of the entire year. It's earth day!! Yay! Happy Earth day everyone. OMG, even though I think every day we should celebrate mama earth, I love that this day in April is a great reminder to hit pause and bask in her beauty.
Today I want to share with you my top 3 nature spirits you can work with to boost your Chi and elevate your experience with nature.
Two years ago on this day I launched my book, Easy Everyday Habits to be more eco-friendly. It wasn’t a book I had planned to write - but after having a complete meltdown in my kitchen about Palm Oil and the devastation to the animal kingdom from slash and burn practices to produce palm oil plantations, I sat down and started writing, and writing and writing. And it was then that I realized more people just like you needed to know why this beautiful planet was worth fighting for!

Friday Apr 17, 2020
124: Revisiting Feng Shui and Astrology with Tisha and Rachel
Friday Apr 17, 2020
Friday Apr 17, 2020
I'm excited to invite back on the show Tisha Morris and Rachel Lang. So many of you reached out after our December show thanking me for the information so I knew that it would be poignant to have them back on to pick up where we left off. What can we expect? What does the energy entail in the coming months? If you go back and listen to the show in December we talked about the severity and restriction we would be facing and we also discussed how to get the Feng Shui right since we’d be at home - what we didn’t know was what exactly that meant, but we knew something big was coming!
This is a time to lean into a new paradigm. I've said it before and I will say it again, your life "pre quarantine" no longer exists. A new normal is emerging and this is a glorious time to get clear about what you want that to be. This is a highly creative time to literally bring forth the life you’ve only imagined possible. Religion, health, tech and finances are all getting a massive over haul. And we said that in December too. The most important thing is to bring your awareness to the things you most desire and stop focusing on the anxiety and seeming chaos of it all. Just imagine what we could create if instead of panic we focused on love and kindness. We have the power to do that!!!
Today, us girls are going to talk shop about where we were in December, what the experience has been like thus far and what we can expect moving forward. Grab some snacks, a beverage and let's get this party started.