
Thursday Oct 24, 2019
103: Enriching your life with Feng Shui with Barry and Gayla Gordon
Thursday Oct 24, 2019
Thursday Oct 24, 2019
In this show I'm sharing part two of my interview with energy experts, Barry and Gayla Gordon. And today you'll notice the intro to the show as being a bit different! Today was a lot more joyful as we embarked on laugh therapy. Even now when I hear us laughing I can’t stop cracking up. It's so much fun!!
Today we will learn about Feng Shui and how Barry became a student of Professor Linn, energy, incredible synchronicities in our lives and how to dramatically shift your chi from a little laugh therapy and a little help from our friends!

Thursday Oct 17, 2019
102: A Journey in self-development through Feng Shui with Barry and Gayla Gordon
Thursday Oct 17, 2019
Thursday Oct 17, 2019
I have a two part series today with Barry and Gayla Gordon, and you are going to love these two! These spiritual seekers have been around the metaphysical block since the 60’s and have worked with some of the best gurus, teachers and mentors in the world. Through their efforts they have taught others how to awaken their spiritual path with modalities in Feng Shui, energy healing, physics, Hoʻoponopono and more!
Today, in part one, we're going to dive into being at the right place at the right time, how a physicist and a NDE can coexist and how having a partner in crime is the best solution to getting the message out there in a fun and inspiring way!

Thursday Oct 10, 2019
101: Walking Between Worlds With Athena Demetrios
Thursday Oct 10, 2019
Thursday Oct 10, 2019
Today I'm talking with the brilliant and amazing author and medium Athena Demetrios. I was sent a copy of her new book Walking Between Worlds and honestly, I didn’t know if I should put it down or break down. It is one of the most gut wrenching, inspiring books I've ever read - and when you meet Athena, you're going to fall in love with her!
In this episode, Athena and I will discuss heartbreak, purpose, signing up for more to knock out our soul report card, and how we emerge through the dust a warrior when we are willing to put in the real work.

Thursday Oct 03, 2019
100: Creating spiritual leadership that's sustainable with Ruby Warrington
Thursday Oct 03, 2019
Thursday Oct 03, 2019
Welcome to our 100th episode! I'm excited to have Ruby Warrington back on the show. She recently announced that she was tired of running an operation that never turned off and was just scratching the surface of what she really had to offer. Lost in a sea of busy, she realized after 7 years of running the numinous it was time for some change!
Today Ruby and I will ask the question, what does running a sustainable business really look like? When it invloves spiritual matter can it coexist with happiness and fulfillment? What happens if social media isn’t so social and in reality is the core of our problems? Ruby and I will discuss this and so much more!

Thursday Sep 26, 2019
99: Busting out of corporate to find your happy, with Julius Betila
Thursday Sep 26, 2019
Thursday Sep 26, 2019
Today I have on sound healer and kundalini instructor, Julius Betila. I actually recorded with Julius several weeks back, but I knew I wanted Julius on after I spoke with Joey Nittolo! Since Julius is a Kundalini instructor I wanted people who listen to this show to have a resource fro their own spiritual awakening. Even though Joey said on his show the answers are within us, and I do agree with that on many levels, it's hard to feel centered when life is upside down and backwards. So it never hurts to have support and guidance from others who are aware, open and compassionate! Not to mention knowledgable!
In today's episode we will talk about spiritual overwhelm and how to over come it, practical ways to get into coherence, and why heart space is something everyone should be doing, even if you have no idea how!

Thursday Sep 19, 2019
98: Kundalini Awakening With Joey Nittolo
Thursday Sep 19, 2019
Thursday Sep 19, 2019
Today I have on Joey Nittolo, podcast host of, The Space Between. The reason I wanted to have Joey on the show is to share the real truth about a kundalini awakening. Don’t know what that is? Well don’t worry we're going to talk about that in the show today along with the line between spirituality and mental health.
You can hear the hustle in Joey's voice and you’ll quickly learn why his spiritual awakening is going to make major waves in the spiritual world. My hope is that for all of you listening today you’ll learn that we are at a major crossroads when it comes to spiritual health and spirituality and how our current paradigm is quick to medicate and label when we should in fact be quick to understanding and listening.

Thursday Sep 12, 2019
97: Embracing Your Winter Garden with Ben Hale
Thursday Sep 12, 2019
Thursday Sep 12, 2019
Today I have back on the show, Ben Hale, from Easy Living Yards. Every year when fall quickly approaches, Deborah, who is my project manager, and I mourn garden season. We talk about how sad our gardens have become and how we do everything we can to fluff and love on them to make them appear fresh and vibrant like they did back in spring. But the reality is, we need to honor natures natural rhythms and learn to bring everything to a close, and see the beauty in all of it!
Our show today is all about the love and adoration we give to our outdoor spaces, all year round. If you’ve listened to the show you’ve heard me go on and on about cultivating Chi. I always want you to start with your own chi but our outdoor spaces are key in fluffing our chi in a positive way.
Ben and I discuss what your winter garden means in the land of energy, why you don’t want to judge your garden and how to overcome the outdoor garden blues in the dead of winter!

Thursday Sep 05, 2019
96: Light Language With Marlene Cronin
Thursday Sep 05, 2019
Thursday Sep 05, 2019
Today my guest is the amazing seer, Marlene Cronin. She is a light language activator, medium and highly attuned seer.
In today's show you're going to learn about light language, what it is, why everyone is being called to rise as ascension is now in full force and how light language activates our DNA to help us remember that! Plus, Marlene shares an incredible light language activation code for all of us to help heal humanity.

Thursday Aug 29, 2019
95: The test everyone should be taking to reveal true health
Thursday Aug 29, 2019
Thursday Aug 29, 2019
If you're struggling to lose weight, experiencing weird, unexplainable hormonal changes, feeling joint pain, struggling with brain fog or anything else that's unexplainable, listen to this show!
Today I'm taking you back to the fall of 2015 to teach you about a revolutionary health tool everyone should do. In this episode I talk to Board certified holistic nutritionist, Suzette Garcia to learn about the healing properties, and toxicity from raw food.
Join me and Suzette to learn about what the Alcat is, why everyone should have this test done regularly and how food can reverse many ailments that many of us struggle with daily.

Thursday Aug 22, 2019
94: How to communicate with your angels with Melissa Kitto
Thursday Aug 22, 2019
Thursday Aug 22, 2019
Today I am taking you back to January of 2012. This angel expert fell into my awareness via a business conference in November of 2011. Little did I know, she'd become a part of my life and change the course of my life forever. Who is she? Angel communication expert, Melissa Kitto. Through her guidance I learned how to wake up intuition and trust the information I was receiving.
In this interview you’ll learn how to get your intuition back, what intuition really looks like, and you'll learn how to effectively communicate with your angels with techniques that hone your existing abilities.