
Wednesday Apr 15, 2020
123: Benefits to starting a spring garden with Ben Hale
Wednesday Apr 15, 2020
Wednesday Apr 15, 2020
As promised, I'm trying to flood you with positivity through this show to help you adjust to your new normal. Today I have invited Ben Hale back to the show to talk about cultivating our Chi through our spring gardens. What I think is really great about this time is it's awakening us to the importance of nature. We have been forced to slow down so we are recognizing the beauty and benefits to what nature provides - and y’all know my love affair with nature and her spirits! So what better way to get connected to her in a very intimate way than through a garden. And listen if you're not a green thumb, don't get intimidated. Nature is very forgiving and miraculous. I still don't know what the heck I'm doing, but I've learned to have a conversation with her and work closely with her, and hope for the best. And the good news is, you can too!
Tom Brady and Dr. Blanco link I discussed in the show - https://drdeeblanco.com/recordings-for-the-immunity-hacks-webinar-series/

Thursday Apr 09, 2020
122: How to Shine at Home with Brittney Carmichael
Thursday Apr 09, 2020
Thursday Apr 09, 2020
Today I'm sharing an impromptu interview I did with Brittney Carmichael a couple of days ago. I had no real theme or purpose to the show - but I wanted to have her on so that we could talk about ways you can shine at home, stay sane, and stay positive. I'm actually recording with her again in a couple of weeks so it made for a super fun show knowing we'd be able to pick up where we left off.
Today Brittney and I are going to talk about ways to Shine at home, tools to stay sane and how to maximize this time to heal, grow and thrive. Let's do this!

Thursday Apr 02, 2020
121: Turning uncertainty into all-knowing with Lisa Erickson
Thursday Apr 02, 2020
Thursday Apr 02, 2020
This pause is a silent reminder to go inward, and it's perfectly ok if you want to grieve this process. But how do you manage the overwhelming anxiety? Good graces, we are transmuting and processing so much right now, and it can really screw up your Chi. My show today will show you how to utilize this time to get creative and get in touch with your authentic self. This is a time to really focus on self preservation and eliminating what no longer serves you. We’ve got a lot of major energy shifts coming up this summer, and they follow us through to the fall. Hunker down, stay home as much as possible and treat this as if you were the chrysalis, marinating, learning and about to emerge as a beautiful butterfly. But how?
Today, I have on Lisa Erickson. This gal specializes in a lot of fantastic things but she has one tool that will really help you wade through the water of cloudiness and come through with clarity on the other side.

Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
120: 9 Feng Shui Tips to Implement While at Home
Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
Today's episode is a special minisode to help get you through these challenging times. SO many of you have been reaching out asking about ways to improve your homes through Feng Shui, to make this time a little easier. And I get it. If you're an extrovert and love being around people this can be an extremely challenging time. But this can prove to be a very healing time if you allow it.
Today I will talk about some major energetic shifts occurring in the stars, the evolution of change that we all need to embrace and how these 9 tips will help you cultivate your Chi in a powerful way to bring ease to these uncertain times.

Thursday Mar 26, 2020
119: Personal 2020 Astrology with Gray Crawford
Thursday Mar 26, 2020
Thursday Mar 26, 2020
Today's show is furthering the conversation about 2020’s astrology and more importantly, how your personal astrology plays into the picture. I had Gray look at my chart and his own to compare how the astrology is affecting us differently. I wanted to do this because comparison is the thief of joy. You may be looking at others right now and thinking they are sailing through this process or that their life doesn’t seem so hard. So Gray and I will talk about the years overall astrology, energies that are coming in and how personal astrology plays a grand role in how all of this plays out for you individually.

Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
118: Taking Command in the Bedroom: the do's, don'ts, and how-to's
Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
So a couple of weeks ago another realtor in my office came running up to me and said "I need a real Feng Shui expert to help me get something straight," and I thought, uh oh! Hope I'm up for the task! She continued to explain that she was told by someone who "knows" a lot about Feng Shui told her that her bed was in the wrong position and that she needed to move it immediately otherwise she’d experience a fall of misfortune.
Oh good lord I thought.
And what was this really all about? In Feng Shui we call it command. Or better stated, taking command in your bedroom. In today's show you'll learn what that is, how to avoid mistakes and get rid of the pitfalls of fear that Feng Shui should never have!

Thursday Mar 12, 2020
117: Plants, Alchemy and Astrology Oh MY! With healer Sherri Hupfer
Thursday Mar 12, 2020
Thursday Mar 12, 2020
Are true healers on social media? Or are they out in the world healing consciousness and changing our planet? Today's guest Sheri Hupfer is a renaissance healer specializing in herbalism, astrology and more. As she puts it,
My intention is to imbue meaning + unveil ancient perspectives to a modern world searching for significance.
With ensuing chaos surrounding all of us now more than ever we need to tap into ancient perspectives to slow down, reconnect and find deeper meaning in our lives. FYI - its not found on social media.
Join me and Sheri to learn about the healing power of plants, the importance of being a light worker and how everything can be healed with energy,

Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
116: Quick Fix Feng Shui
Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
Tuesday Mar 03, 2020
Today I'm sharing a recent email from a listener looking for a quick fix to her health problem. If you've listened to any of my shows you know I do not subscribe to this level of kitschy Feng Shui. But Why? Can't energy work in an instant? Or does it take time? In this episode, I share with you this email I received looking for a quick fix and an incredible story shared by my Nashville client Danielle, who invested real time to achieve her Feng Shui goals and not not only became a homeowner but found real and lasting love! This is a good one y'all that you don't want to miss!

Thursday Feb 20, 2020
115: The 3 reasons your Feng Shui is not working
Thursday Feb 20, 2020
Thursday Feb 20, 2020
Today I'm going to share 3 reasons why your Feng Shui is not working. I was inspired to do this post after having a conversation with several real estate agents in my office a few weeks ago. Now if you’ve taken any of my online courses or in-person workshops the tips that I'm going to share with you today are how I start every class, workshop and course I do, with these principles in mind. Sometimes I feel like a broken record but their simplicity often gets overlooked and people want to skip to the nuts and bolts and get busy because they think they don't have the time for these simplistic things that can’t really do all that much anyways...right? Wrong! Skip these steps and this is exactly why you're not getting the kick ass results you should be!

Tuesday Feb 11, 2020
114: Healing through your animal spirits' communication
Tuesday Feb 11, 2020
Tuesday Feb 11, 2020
Today I'm sharing a minisode inspired by a podcast listener who had a mystical experience with animals. Over the past ten years I've talked a lot about the importance of animals, nature spirits and caring for trees. But why is it important? What can it reveal to you? In today's show I explain what an animal spirit is, how to work with one and why it matters. I also share some terrific examples that I've had in my own life, along with listener Kristy's incredible bird experience!