
Thursday Feb 06, 2020
113: LIVE Feng Shui Floor Plan Reading with Jessica
Thursday Feb 06, 2020
Thursday Feb 06, 2020
I'm super excited to share this show with you. Back in November the Gates team held a 100th episode promotion to win a free floor plan reading and today's guest is that winner. I'll be taking you along with me on what a Feng Shui floor plan reading is, what shows up, why energy in every aspect is important to our healing and how your floor plan proves to be either working with you or against you.

Tuesday Jan 21, 2020
112: Using Feng Shui to Find Love
Tuesday Jan 21, 2020
Tuesday Jan 21, 2020
Today I'm sharing a minisode, inspired by fan and listener, Jeny. So many of you get caught up in the mundane aspects of what you think Feng Shui is and it hinders your results. And I get it, there is so much misinformation out there it's hard for a novice to discern what's right or wrong! Because this is one of my biggest pet peeves about Feng Shui, because I think it dilutes its transformational qualities and true benefits to making our lives better, I want to explain to you the differences and why it matters when it comes to your results.
Today I share with you Jeny's question about finding love, an excerpt from my new book, Feng Shui for the Soul, and why doing real Feng Shui matters when it comes to finding love!

Thursday Jan 16, 2020
111: On fire with Love. Living the life of St Francis with James Twyman
Thursday Jan 16, 2020
Thursday Jan 16, 2020
Today I have on an incredible guest, James Twyman. He’s the author of multiple books, a musician AND he’s now doing an amazing play on broadway about St Francis. He’s done so much in fact, hahahaha, you’ll hear me getting the facts all messed up on the show today because despite doing research on James for two weeks, he's accomplished so much I couldn’t keep it all straight!
Like all my shows I was extremely intentional about putting James on in the month of January. If your month has started out turbulent and rocky, St Francis is here to help! Even though his teachings are over 800 years old, they are more prevalent today than ever.
Today James and I will talk about several of his books, the path of St Francis, getting a show on Broadway and how we can be like Peter Waldo, "on fire with love and give it all away."

Thursday Jan 02, 2020
110: Card divination with Debbie Anderson
Thursday Jan 02, 2020
Thursday Jan 02, 2020
Happy New year to each and everyone of you! Today I have on special guest Debbie Anderson and like many of my guests she has forged her own path to help others on their path to awakening! Debbie Anderson is a clairvoyant and she has created divination tools to help you on your own journey to get the answers you need - which I think is perfect for a new year!!
Debbie and I talk about divination, how a deck of cards can help guide you and give you the answers you need, why you wanna do it and how to interpret the meanings.

Thursday Dec 12, 2019
109: Roadblocks to ascension with Marlene Cronin
Thursday Dec 12, 2019
Thursday Dec 12, 2019
Today I've got back on the show master healer, Marlene Cronin. Let me ask you, do you ever feel like ascension is an elusive carrot on a string? When I followed up with Marlene to have her back on the show we were originally going to talk about 2020 and the upheaval that many mystics have been talking about for a decade. She surprised me by saying she wasn’t the right gal for that conversation and that she'd rather talk about how ascension has become a carrot dangling on a string never quite within reach. At that very moment, as I read her message, I was in a state of disappointment, fatigue and burnout. Her words resonated with me beyond measure and I realized THIS was the conversation we needed to be having!
Today Marlene and I will discuss what it means to be a light worker, how to navigate all this ascension speak, how to be spiritual in a world that's more chaotic than ever before and how to do YOU in a time when everyone is seeking IT outside of themselves. Are you ready? Let's do this!

Thursday Dec 05, 2019
108: Feng Shui and Astrology Predictions for 2020
Thursday Dec 05, 2019
Thursday Dec 05, 2019
In today's episode we're discussing 2020 Feng Shui and Astrology Predictions. I sit down with Feng Shui expert Tisha Morris and Astrology expert, Rachel Lang to discuss what to expect in 2020. Through awareness, and utilizing powerful energy principles we can navigate the upcoming challenges with ease and grace and stay hopeful with several auspicious energy days that apply to everyone. For over a decade mystics have talked about 2020. I first heard about it in 2009 when my New Mexico astrologer at the time, Tom Brady, said this new paradigm was the new normal and we would be building to the year 2020 - which is the culmination of the chaos, havoc and challenges ahead. We have reached the top of the mountain so to speak and it will be nothing short of what the mystics said it would hold. On the bright side, many new innovations will occur in this year and through upheaval comes great and powerful change! Are you ready? Let's do this! And be sure to check out the YouTube channel too because I filmed this episode!

Thursday Nov 21, 2019
107: The Feng Shui Equation to Living a Purpose Filled Life
Thursday Nov 21, 2019
Thursday Nov 21, 2019
Today my guest is me and we are going to talk about the Feng Shui equation. This is something that's been stewing in my brain for awhile and I've been trying to formulate it into an intelligent show and I'm not quite sure it's there, but either way it needs to be heard. Spirit has been pushing me for several weeks to get this info out and I don’t think they care that I don’t think it's perfect.
The contemporary world knows nothing about “success” and it sets you up for failure. For most people, success equates to having it all: notoriety, a loving relationship, perfect kids, a lucrative career, and instagram fame! We equate our worth through vanity metrics that are nothing short of illusion. What many do not realize is, true Success is determined by soul growth and evolution and is highly individual to YOU and You only. Success may look like learning how to overcome self-worth issues, learning how to receive love, give love, overcome adversity or simply how to give to the world. This is spiritual success, and yet we veer out of our own lane to chase a dream that doesn't belong to us.
In this episode I gift to you a download that I received over the course of several meditations, an important message for humanity.

Thursday Nov 14, 2019
106: Engineering a relationship that lasts with George Araman
Thursday Nov 14, 2019
Thursday Nov 14, 2019
Today I have on relationship engineer, George Araman. I really wanted to do this show because so many of you, are either in relationships that frustrate you or looking for love and fumbling a bit. What makes George's approach to finding love that lasts different than the thousands of books and articles out there, is he has broken it down into a step-by-step guide sharing with you what to look for, how to work on yourself and what to avoid!
George and I talk about how to heal wounds that keep you stuck, rituals that keep the sparks flying, creating a true partnership that's equal and how to look at a relationship as a long term journey of appreciation, rather than a quick destination.

Thursday Nov 07, 2019
105: You Are God In Disguise with Craig Kolavo
Thursday Nov 07, 2019
Thursday Nov 07, 2019
Today I have on author Craig Kolavo. His new book ‘I Am God In Disguise And So Are You’ is an extremely approachable book about purpose, and how to discover, surrender and inspire you and those around you into making positive changes. When we tap in, tune in and turn on the light within us we find joy, happiness, and our authentic selves. Unfortunately, many of us allow the ego, what Craig calls the bodyguard, to run the show. By allowing the ego to run the show this creates the idea that you are separate and this fills all of us full of fear! But if we realize we are a 'vehicle of expression' as he puts it, we can show up and be accountable as our divine nature, which is a piece of God.

Thursday Oct 31, 2019
104: Traversing Dimensions with Alison Ledbetter
Thursday Oct 31, 2019
Thursday Oct 31, 2019
Today I have on spiritual healer extraordinaire, Alison Ledbetter. Alison has a wide-ranging skillset of reiki, energy healing, mediumship, past life regression and spiritual guidance all rolled into one, but I don’t want to get into labeling her skillset because it goes way beyond the English language of what the skills even represent. A few weeks ago I did a session with Alison just to get a feel for what she did - thus realizing that calling her a “reiki” healer or “medium” was far too limiting. This gal traverses dimensions and gets right down to the heart of it all.
Today Alison and I will talk about purpose, having special gifts, why light workers are being called to action NOW and how we all harbor intuition we just need to surrender to it!