
Friday Mar 11, 2022
183: When Sh*t hits the fan
Friday Mar 11, 2022
Friday Mar 11, 2022
In today's episode, I talk about the desire to manifest something, doing the work to make it happen, and not getting what you want.
Often times as I am working with a client, whether on their personal Chi or the Chi of their environment, the client has a desire to manifest something specific in their life. And this is great news! Whenever working on your environment you have to have an intention, but what happens when you go into it with the greatest intentions and it all falls and you feel like you're going to hell in a handbasket?
Today I share my own experience of doing "the work" and not getting what I want and how to navigate uncertainty with absolute trust, even if you don't feel like it. Life is hard, let's talk about ways to get through it!
Website: https://gatesinteriordesign.com
Online Booking: https://square.site/book/357APYEW5KWB8/amanda-gates

Friday Mar 04, 2022
182: Healing with Scalar Light Therapy
Friday Mar 04, 2022
Friday Mar 04, 2022
I'm really excited to share with you today's guest, Tom Paladino of Scalar Light.
What exactly is scalar light? How can it benefit you? How will it change your life? All of this and more are what Tom and I talk about today to help you understand the power of healing light therapy.
The sacred blueprint: https://www.thesacredblueprintseries.com
Website: https://gatesinteriordesign.com
Online Booking: https://square.site/book/357APYEW5KWB8/amanda-gates
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/amandagatesfengshui
Courses: https://courses.gatesinteriordesign.com

Friday Feb 18, 2022
181: Feel Good Hemp with Noah Hammond
Friday Feb 18, 2022
Friday Feb 18, 2022
Today I'm talking with Noah Hammond of Feel-Good Hemp. I wanted to have Noah on because I personally have had great success with Hemp in my own healing journey, but I have also been very confused by it all. There are so many different kinds, different levels, different milligrams, and if you're brand new to the space how do you determine what works for you? How much should you take, and what’s the difference in quality? And what can it do for you?
Noah and I talk about feel-good hemp, what it is, how to choose the best one and why it all matters. And be sure to listen to the end, Noah is offering a bang up deal with 25% off!
Feel Good Hemp: https://feelgoodhemp.org
Website: https://gatesinteriordesign.com
Online Booking: https://square.site/book/357APYEW5KWB8/amanda-gates
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/amandagatesfengshui
Courses: https://courses.gatesinteriordesign.com

Friday Feb 04, 2022
180: So Empowered with Lillian
Friday Feb 04, 2022
Friday Feb 04, 2022
Today's show is all about how to get your power back via your subtle energy system. My guest, and author, Lillian So, of the SOmethod, has written an incredible book called, So empowered.
I'm thrilled that Lillian has written this book for a new generation of seekers. This is not new information. It can be found in Vedic wisdom deep in the Upanishads but because this isn’t taught, it is necessary for new teachers to bring it to the forefront, and teach it for modern times.
If you're feeling frustrated, sad, overwhelmed, burnt out, or just plain mad, then this episode is for you! Learn how to tap into your power via your five layers of energy and shift.
Lillian SO's book: https://bit.ly/3s2A8ql
Website: https://gatesinteriordesign.com
Online Booking: https://square.site/book/357APYEW5KWB8/amanda-gates
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/amandagatesfengshui
Courses: https://courses.gatesinteriordesign.com

Friday Jan 28, 2022
179: How to Avoid the Pitfalls of Spiritual Elitism
Friday Jan 28, 2022
Friday Jan 28, 2022
We are all spiritual beings. In fact, we are spiritual beings having a human experience. We agree to come here in these meat suits to experience contrast. We come from an all-loving joyful place of infinite wisdom and we do not understand or rather we cannot comprehend things like anger, hate, polarity, war, violence, guilt, greed, power, etc as we have here on earth. So we agree to have our memories wiped and come to this earth school to experience contrast to fully understand the yin and yang of all things.
Now I don't wanna go off on a rant here, but to be "spiritual" has become quite popular in the last decade if not trendy. This is a beautiful thing because many people are waking up as we ascend into the 5th dimension, however many are still allowing their ego to get in the way of their ascent. They aren't allowing their new knowledge to marinate into wisdom before they start their crusade to teach others.
I got into this spiritual matter in 1995 and I still tell people and students that I don't have all the answers and my knowledge is still maturing into wisdom. But much of the spiritual matter that has become so popular and trendy is still very much rooted in ego. There is judgment, shame, guilt, and an undercurrent of worthiness. Not to mention for those who are new to the spiritual circle, there's likely a feeling of overwhelm because you feel like you don't belong and it's scary because you don't know what the hell is happening, where to go, who to turn to or what to trust. And for good reason!
In today's show, I share four tips to avoid spiritual elitism. In addition, I share several classic books that everyone can read from true spiritual leaders that walk the walk without the bullshit!
Website: https://gatesinteriordesign.com
Online Booking: https://square.site/book/357APYEW5KWB8/amanda-gates
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/amandagatesfengshui
Courses: https://courses.gatesinteriordesign.com

Friday Jan 21, 2022
178: All About Numbers with Jesse Kalsi
Friday Jan 21, 2022
Friday Jan 21, 2022
Today's episode is with Astronumerolgist Jesse Kalsi. He is a real estate broker in California and he utilizes his knowledge of numbers and planets, along with Vedic wisdom, to help people find suitable homes, jobs, names, cars, and more to ensure the perfect vibrational match.
Today you'll learn about the importance of your name vibration, house numbers, and how some numbers may appear like a great match but due to their planetary alignment, they may not be the right fit for you! In addition, each thing we work on within our lives is associated with a Chakra, so depending on your spiritual awareness some things may not be in your highest alignment. For example, my real estate brokerage is a 27/9 vibration and I've been at odds with them. In my design job with Costco, also a 27/9 I have excelled! Turns out, the brokerage vibrates to the root chakra and Costco vibrates to the heart chakra, wow, I had no idea!!! So fascinating. So sit back and prepare yourself for an incredible, eye-opening experience with numbers!
Website: https://gatesinteriordesign.com
Online Booking: https://square.site/book/357APYEW5KWB8/amanda-gates
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/amandagatesfengshui
Courses: https://courses.gatesinteriordesign.com
Jesse's Website: https://jessekalsi.com

Friday Jan 07, 2022
177: How to see past the illusion and embrace your awakening
Friday Jan 07, 2022
Friday Jan 07, 2022
As we get closer to the Pluto return, it's becoming more and more important for us as a species to see past the illusion of what we think is reality. The constructs of the matrix are what we create through the collective consciousness and new truths are being revealed forcing those beliefs to change. The new truths are begging us to ask the bigger question of, is this all there is? Is there more? Imagine being in a dark warehouse for 2000 years, and suddenly lights were turned on and you could see the vastness for the first time and see that there was more warehouse you never knew was available to you. The vastness that you didn't know existed because you had no idea something could even exist because the lights were turned off. Those lights are now coming on and in today's show, I discuss how we see past the illusion, continue to turn on the lights, and grasp that there is more.
Website: https://gatesinteriordesign.com
Online Booking: https://square.site/book/357APYEW5KWB8/amanda-gates
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/amandagatesfengshui
Courses: https://courses.gatesinteriordesign.com

Friday Dec 31, 2021
176: Manifest with Feng Shui
Friday Dec 31, 2021
Friday Dec 31, 2021
How do you manifest health when in pain? How do you manifest love when you've been on one tragic date after another? How do you ditch the horrible job when you really need the money? In other words, how do you manifest something different than your current reality? In today's episode, I address this and so much more. After being on hiatus due to a health scare, it was feng shui that brought me back to my beliefs and has been my greatest teacher. I will share with you four powerful tools to get you back on track and manifest the life you've always dreamed of one small tool at a time using my experience from the last two months as an example!
Podcast iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/home-energy-design/id505550006
Podcast Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/show/home-energy-design
Courses: http://courses.gatesinteriordesign.com
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/amandagatesfengshui
Online Booking: https://square.site/book/357APYEW5KWB8/amanda-gates

Friday Oct 29, 2021
175: Unleash the power of Feng Shui
Friday Oct 29, 2021
Friday Oct 29, 2021
When it comes to energy, personal and public, do you know when it's affecting you? Do you know how it's affecting you? Today's episode was inspired by an office I visited yesterday that asks these very questions. Oy Vey! So many issues of kinked energy that could be detrimental to the productivity and management of growth if not fixed. But how can we relay what we learn from situations like this into our own environment? How can we use it to expand our awareness to continue shifting the paradigm for more energy awareness? That's what we will be talking about.
This gives us an opportunity to peek behind the curtain of what's to come in our ever-expanding 5D world, and look back at the 3D world that no longer serves us. I share some simple tips to help move you forward, what to pay attention to, and show you how even a simple office can be filled with energy boobie traps lurking around every corner and how that affects everything!
Office floorplan https://gatesinteriordesign.com/agidwp/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Office.pdf
Website: https://gatesinteriordesign.com
Online Booking: https://square.site/book/357APYEW5KWB8/amanda-gates
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/amandagatesfengshui

Friday Oct 08, 2021
174: Feng Shui to ignite your inner Cheetah
Friday Oct 08, 2021
Friday Oct 08, 2021
Today's episode is meant to light your inner fire of truth. In the book, Untamed by Author Glennon Doyle she shares a story about Tabitha the baby Cheetah. Raised to believe she's like the labrador Minnie that she's grown up with, she has no idea who she really is - or what she's truly capable of. I love this story because so many of us have been fed cultural belief systems that do not serve us. We live our lives by someone else's rules and ideals never tapping into our own brilliance. Our inner Cheetah.
Today I share with you 8 Feng Shui tips to ignite your inner Cheetah. All of us are like Tabitha, raised to believe we are not good enough, that we are less than, not smart enough, too smart, not pretty enough, too pretty, too short, not thin enough, too thin, too tall, and the list goes on. But what if we embraced the Cheetah we were born to be? What if we kicked those discriminations and stereotypes to the f*cking curb and stepped into who we are meant to be? Get ready, I'm fired up and fair warning I drop a few curse words.
Untamed by Glennon Doyle: https://bit.ly/3uGJYzd
Website: https://gatesinteriordesign.com
Online Booking: https://square.site/book/357APYEW5KWB8/amanda-gates