
Thursday May 30, 2019
83: Understanding Your Authentic Blueprint With Astrologer Susie Kerr Wright
Thursday May 30, 2019
Thursday May 30, 2019
Today I am excited to have on a local Nashvillian, Susie Kerr Wright. And Susie is my kind of Woo! She is an astrologer, psychic medium, tarot card expert, Reiki master and teacher and she a certified life coach. This light worker is here to kick ass and take names, am I right?
Susie says that she was always fascinated with the archetypes of human behavior. And guess what? That's Chi, right? Our charisma, expressions, mannerisms - that’s all Chi. And what she can do is look at the stars, see how they line up for you and help you better understand how that information shows up in your life. And understanding your astrology and make up also helps you better understand your reality, and environments. Just like we all have an elemental make up that determines our aesthetics - astrology also has clues to why you may be attracting a certain kind of space.
Today Susie and I will talk about what she does as a psychic astrologer, how to lean into your true purpose and path, the misconceptions about this type of work and what we are all here to do - like stop chasinging a dream that doesn’t belong to you - and start being authentic! Lets do this!

Friday May 24, 2019
82: Having an Attitude of Gratitude with Courtney Ackerman
Friday May 24, 2019
Friday May 24, 2019
Today I have on researcher Courtney Ackerman, but she isn’t just any researcher she specializes in compassion and well-being. What I loved about this interview is that we focus on what makes us flourish, what elevates us, rather than focusing on the negative. How can you find gratitude in the everyday? Well you have to first find positivity - you know those elevated emotions - so that you can find gratitude for the mundane, like a fork. Yes that's right, a fork. Imagine trying to eat a salad without a fork! Man would that be messy, right? Today is about connecting to true gratitude - gratitude about the mundane things that mean the most but we often overlook because we take them for granted. Together we'll discover how to have a true attitude of gratitude!

Monday May 20, 2019
BONUS - Getting back to our roots with Ben Hale
Monday May 20, 2019
Monday May 20, 2019
Today I have on landscape designer Ben Hale from Easy Living Yards. I wanted to have Ben on the show for two reasons: 1) We have lost our connection to the natural world and our gardens are one of the easiest ways to rekindle that love affair and 2) Ben has approached it in a way that makes it easier to fit into our lives while still enjoying it immensely.
Today Ben and I are going to discuss gardens, gratitude how we connect to the natural world with open hearts without it feeling like a chore!

Thursday May 16, 2019
81: Stumbling Forward More Gracefully with Amy Robbins
Thursday May 16, 2019
Thursday May 16, 2019
Today I have on clinical psychologist, Amy Robbins. One of the reasons I started this podcast ten years ago was because I wanted to help people on their path to enlightenment - whatever that looked like for them. At the time of starting this podcast I was embarking on a very expensive divorce, closing down my retail store that took me years to build and struggling to find my own way. Simply put, I was lost. But I couldn’t find the tools I needed to get me through the human condition, better known as suffering. As I found healers, therapists, and holistic alternatives that helped me rise, I shared them on the podcast in hopes to help each and every one of you.
In today's episode Amy and I discuss how to find your voice and your path, how to evolve and rise even if you’re stumbling forward in a seemingly messy, frenetic manner and oh by the way, Amy also happens to be a medium who talks to your dead relatives helping you stumble forward a little more gracefully.

Thursday May 09, 2019
80: Living in a Mindful Universe Part II with Karen Newell
Thursday May 09, 2019
Thursday May 09, 2019
Today I'm sharing part II of my interview with Karen Newell that we started last week! Karen is co author of Living in a Mindful Universe and co-founder of Sacred Acoustics. If you haven’t already, be sure to check out there website, sacredacoustics.com In today's episode we are going to talk about the power of prayer, her revolutionary company Sacred Acoustics, Animal Communication, meditation and growing your heart field to grow into gratitude.

Thursday May 02, 2019
79: Living in a Mindful Universe with Karen Newell
Thursday May 02, 2019
Thursday May 02, 2019
Today I have on author and co-founder of Sacred Acoustics, Karen Newell. She and her business partner Kevin Kossi have been innovators in the field of brainwave entrainment for several years, and what started out as a shared passion for exploring expanded states of consciousness has turned into a proprietary system called NeuralHelix. Neural helix is a blending of harmonic layering technology that delivers modulated brainwave patterns to create a profoundly relaxed state of awareness. What’s so cool is that their system, unlike any other that I've tried over the years provides select frequencies and tones to reduce the brains filtering effect which allows your consciousness to be set free.
Today we’ll be talking about the birth of Sacred Acoustics, consciousness, supreme illusion and Karen's journey into all things woo -solidifying her as an ultimate spiritual seeker.

Friday Apr 26, 2019
78: Mama Minimalist - How to be an eco mama like a boss!
Friday Apr 26, 2019
Friday Apr 26, 2019
Today I have on Stephanie Seferian from Mama Minimalist. According to Stephanie, "When it comes to living an eco-friendly life I think we can quickly get in our own way. I don’t have time, it's not convenient, I don’t know how." But what if doing one thing could change everything? Because it can!
In my new book Eco Everyday Habits to be More Eco-friendly, I share over 200 ways for you to get eco in super easy ways - but what if you have kids? How the hell does that work? Bring in Stephanie the mom of all moms that’s made it happen and has a helpful blog and website to show you how you can do it too! Today Stephanie and I will talk about how she eased her way into a more sustainable life even with kids, what sustainability vs eco-friendly even means and what are the worst habits people have that could immediately and easily be changed to start living an eco-friendly lifestyle today!

Thursday Apr 18, 2019
77: Feng Shui Eco Basics
Thursday Apr 18, 2019
Thursday Apr 18, 2019
I think a lot of people think that being green and practicing Feng Shui are two separate things, however, only by utilizing ancient energy principles can we be one with mama earth. In order for us to honor her natural rhythms we have to understand energy and get back to basics. Many of us have lost our connection to those natural rhythms of the planet. We no longer honor her seasons and ignore the cycles that ebb and flow with harvest. We once celebrated her with offerings, ceremonies and ritual and in the last 100 years that love affair has been completely lost.
So what can Feng Shui do to save her? Well for one, we need to get back to basics. My book, Easy Everyday Habits to be More Eco-Friendly has just come out in print, and it's my love letter to educating you on easy ways to be green. And fyi - while you’re doing this you’re raising her chi and lovin' on her like the grand mama she is!
I'll share with you 7 easy tips that you can start implementing today. You'll learn about B Corporations, sunscreens, and the reason I wrote the book, the conflict around Palm Oil and why everyone needs to stop buying it.

Thursday Apr 11, 2019
76: How to make eco conscious decisions during the building process with Cara Green
Thursday Apr 11, 2019
Thursday Apr 11, 2019
Today I have on Jessica McNaughton, of Cara Green. Now as many of you know I am a huge environmentalist and after receiving a random email from Cara Green about their wool insulation, I realized I needed to know more about this company. Whether you’re adding on to your existing home, building or remodeling - Cara Green helps you make eco conscious decisions that are good for the planet and your health and well being
Today we will talk about what Cara Green is, what eco-friendly means, what spaces need to be truly healthy and how to avoid greenwashing and other tactics to grab your dollar for products that may not exactly be green!

Thursday Apr 04, 2019
75: Land healing and house blessings with Dr. Mahdi Mason
Thursday Apr 04, 2019
Thursday Apr 04, 2019
Today I have on land healer and environmentalist Dr. Madhi Mason. The month of April is always a special month to me because it's the month we celebrate earth day (FYI it's April 22) Now, I think every month should prompt you to be green but I get it, we are busy and it can get pushed aside. So the month of April is a great reminder to be green. No surprise, I've been very intentional in who’ve we lined up on the show this month to share my love of being green!
Our planet is in trouble and her Chi is sick. It is our job as faithful stewards to bring her back to optimal health and Dr. Mahdi is one of those incredible stewards who uses mystical medicine to help our mama planet release toxic energies and residual traumas that can lower her vibe.
Today we talk about what a land healer is, how to know if your land needs healing, how consciousness affects her and how to keep your property living a high vibe life.